The Amazing Morning At Borobudur

Do You want travel to Borobudur temple in Central Java?, why not this time chasing the rising sun his beauty. Enjoy the sun peeking shyly shining from behind Mount Merapi which is still shrouded in morning fog. The morning fresh scent is perfect in her shades miracle Indonesian historical heritage Takan be a memorable experience. May to July is the perfect time to enjoy this moment considering the weather was sunny.

Views of the sun rising in the sky slowly from behind Merapi in the morning, natural fluorescent orange color bluish purple color. The colors look beautiful on the temple stones were blackish gray color. The redness is present in the eastern horizon greeted Buddhist stupas and monumental sculpture. The rocks show a reddish glow join peaceful face of the Buddha. Do not miss the opportunity to perpetuate this beautiful picture comes foreground Borobudur stupa.

 Silhouette of Borobudur morning, with the background of Mount Merapi and Merbabu. The scenery is so amazing, by Robert B. Herdiyanto
 Borobudur is best seen at dawn. when the air is still fresh and full of birdsong. When the fog lifted, the highlight of the morning sun shining on the surrounding volcanoes, terraced rice fields, and highlights the many stone reliefs and in the face of Buddha. See Borobudur at dawn today for the first time is often an emotional experience that is deeply felt. by Andras Jancsik
 Various questions arise such as who the architect was, how our ancestors used to build this grand temple? And with what equipment they make, to the extent that it can be neatly arranged stones, do not miss the carving can be created with the details.
One of the best locations in the country to enjoy the atmosphere of this sunrise is at Borobudur. Located at an altitude of about 269 m above sea level, Borobudur gives a spectacular view of the sunrise time, ie, seeing the sun rising from behind a magnificent dusk of the Merapi. by Thrillseekr

 Morning sun shining on the wall reliefs of Borobudur by Trey Ratcliff
Small stupas surrounding the main temple stands firmly greatest beautify the temple of Borobudur

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