Layout Of Prambanan Temple

Prambanan temple is one of the true greatness of the past history of Indonesia, Prambanan temple is also one of the historical relics which have very high aesthetic value. The architecture and motifs on the temple of Prambanan, showed that Indonesia had known at the time of design technology which is amazing. Proven with stone structure without using cement or media liaison between the building elements are very sturdy.

Prambanan temple is a relic of the Sanjaya dynasty kings around the ninth century. Prambanan temple was built by Rakai Rakai Pikatan and resolved by Balitung. It is based on the “Inscription Siwargrarha” inscribed in 856 AD

Prambanan temple consists of three main temple is located in the main yard, namely Vishnu (protector), Brahma (creator), and Shiva (counterweight). In Hindu belief temples became a symbol of Trimurti. The position of the main temple facing east, and each of the main temple has accompanying temple facing to the west and is estimated as a vehicle for each of the gods. Lord Shiva with Lembu Nandi, Lord Brahma with Hamsa Angsa, and Lord Vishnu with Garuda. In Prambanan temple also contained two wedge, four Kelir temples, and the four corners of the temple.

Layout Of Prambanan Temple

 Prambanan temple complex consists of 240 temples with a variety of different structure forms. 240 Temple is collected in one location. Entrance of the temple complex of Prambanan contained in the four corners of the wind direction, but the actual building is to the east, the main entrance of this temple is the east gate. Prambanan temple complex consists of:

     3 temple Trimurti: Shiva temple, Vishnu, and Brahma
     3 Temple Vehicle: Nandi temple, Garuda, and Geese
     2 Apit Temple: located between rows of Trimurti temples and temples rides in the north and south
     4 Temple color: located at the 4 corners of the wind right behind the entrance to the inner courtyard or the core zone
     4 Temple Stakes: located at the 4 corners of the pages or the core zone
   Totaled 224 Perwara: arranged in 4 rows of concentric with the number of rows of the inner temple to the outside: 44, 52, 60, and 68. So there are a total of 240 temples in Prambanan complex.

Layout Of Prambanan Temple
Layout Of Prambanan Temple
Layout Of Prambanan Temple, Image Source Wikipedia

 Shiva Temple
Shiva Temple pick four rooms, a main room contains a statue of Shiva, while the other three rooms contain the statues of Durga (Shiva’s wife) is often referred to as Jonggrang, Agastya (Shiva’s teacher), and Ganesha (Shiva’s son).

 Shiva temple is the main temple is also the largest and centipede in Rara Jonggrang temple complex, this temple measuring 47 meters high and 34 meters wide. Mastaka peak or top of the temple was constructed modified form of a crown that symbolizes wajra diamond or thunder.

Wajra is a Hindu version supporting the stupa found at the top of a Buddhist temple. At the Shiva temple walls decorated with reliefs that tell the story of the Ramayana; engraved on the inside wall on the balustrade. On top of this balustrade fenced range that also shaped wajra waterless. To follow the story in this order, you must enter from the east side, then do pradakshina which revolves around the temple according clockwise. The story of Ramayana continued to Brahma temple.

Layout Of Prambanan Temple
Vishnu Temple (Image source Wikipedia)
Layout Of Prambanan Temple

Layout Of Prambanan Temple

Brahmana Temple And Vishnu Temple
 Two other temples dedicated to Lord Vishnu, which is located on the north side and the other dedicated to Brahma, which is located on the south side. Both this temple faces east and there is only one room, which is dedicated to these gods. Brahma temple statues of Vishnu temple of Brahma and Vishnu statues of measuring almost 3 meters high. The size of the temple of Brahma and Vishnu are the same, ie, 20 meters wide and 33 meters high. In the Brahma temple clockwise there is a relief depicting the story of Ramayana. There is also relief of Kalpataru tree of life or flanked by stone lions.

Layout Of Prambanan Temple
Layout Of Prambanan Temple
Layout Of Prambanan Temple

Wahana Temple

At the front of the Trimurti temple, there are three smaller temples of Brahma and Vishnu temples than that presented to a vehicle or vehicle each god this; the bull Nandi is the vehicle of Shiva, Angsaa is a vehicle for Brahma, and Garuda is the vehicle for Vishnu.

Layout Of Prambanan Temple
Wahana (Vehicle) Temple, Image Source Wikipedia

Apit temple, Kelir temple, and Patok Temple.
In addition there are 6 main temples at Prambanan temple, in this complex there are also dozens of supporters of the temple, they are Apit temple, temple color, and Temple Stakes. Temple Size Apit almost equal to the size of the ancillary temples, namely 14 meters high with a footprint sketch 6 x 6 meters.

In addition to the eight main temple is a small temple there is a small temple that may resemble pelinggihan function in Balinese Hindu temple cymbals or a place to put offerings, as well as the facade at the front entrance. This small temples namely; 4 Temple of color on the four corners of the wind in front of the entrance, and 4 Candi peg in each corner. Temple Temple Stakes color and shape of a miniature temple without a ladder with a height of about 2 meters.

Layout Of Prambanan Temple
Kelir Temple

Perwara Temples
Two walls with a square layout that houses two pages in, arranged according to the orientation of the four cardinal directions. The second wall measuring 225 feet long on each side. In between these two walls is the second page or second zone. The second zone consists of 224 ancillary temples are arranged in four concentric rows.

The temples were built on the four steps of the terraces are increasingly central to slightly higher. Four lines of these temples are smaller than the main temple. These temples are called “ancillary temples” the temple guardian or complementary temples. Ancillary temples arranged in four concentric rows deepest line consists of 44 temples, 52 temples second row, third row 60 temples, and the fourth row at the same time the outer row consists of 68 temples

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