Amazing Location Of The Gedong Songo Temple

Gedong Songo (nine buildings) is the name of the temple which is in the hills of the Unggaran. Gedong Songo located at an altitude of about 1,200 DPL with temperatures around 19-27 ° C. Location Gedong Songo very easy to reach from many cities in the vicinity. Its location is a row of alternative pathways Unggaran – Waterford. If the start of Semarang Adventurer enough south to City Unggaran – Bandungan – gedong Songo. Can be achieved with a journey time of 1 hour. If the can through the city of Yogyakarta Ambarawa (Tugu Palagan Ambarawa) – Bandungan – gedong Songo, journey time approximately 2 hours.

Gedong Songo located on the slopes of Mount Unggaran, the coordinates of 110 ° 20’27 “E and 07 ° 14’3” LS Darum village, Village Temple, District Bandungan, Semarang regency, Central Java. Gedong Songo comes from the Javanese, gedong (house / building) and Songo (nine) which means Nine (Group) Building. Are there since the beginning of this temple of nine groups? Or other means? Hmm, can not yet be answered. But this time there were only 5 of the temple complex.

Gedong Songo many similarities with the temples in Dieng is located in Banjarnegara (next adventure). This temple complex is made from the bottom row to the top of the hills mengintari crater hot springs. Where in the Dieng temple complex also plenty of hot water crater which is not far from the center of the temple. Making a symmetrical temple located on a hill and showed the fusion of two local religious beliefs that embraces the ancestors and Hindu culture where temples as the abode of the gods. The temple is made ​​up buds similar to the stone-age culture punden berundak. Under the principle to the top, then the spirits of ancestors getting close to humans. Well, the two cultures blend together in Gedong Songo by defining as a sacrifice to the spirits of ancestors which the procession was to perform in the temple complex located on the hills.

Amazing Location Of The Gedong Songo Temple
Amazing Location Of The Gedong Songo Temple

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