The Amazing Gedong Songo In Central Java

Gedong Songo is one of the tourist attractions of Indonesia located in Semarang, Central Java. Located on the slopes of Mount Unggaran south of the city of Semarang, this temple is one Hindu temple located in Central Java and built around the 7th century AD. Until now this ancient building still standing on the mountain Unggaran which has an altitude of 1200 above sea level. It lies on the slopes Unggaran and in the midst of pine forests make this place very beautiful eyes. Cool atmosphere immediately surrounding the location makes the atmosphere more closely with the natural purity of the mountains in the area

Gedong Songo is the name of a complex of buildings of cultural heritage Hindu temple located in the village temple, Bandungan subdistrict, Semarang regency, Central Java, Indonesia precisely at the slopes of Mount Ungaran. In this temple complex there are nine temples. This temple was discovered by Raffles in 1804 and is a relic of the days of Hindu culture Wangsa dynasty 9th century (927 years BC).

This temple has similarities with the Dieng temple complex in Wonosobo. The temple is situated at an altitude of about 1,200 m above sea level so the air temperature is cold enough here (ranging between 19-27 ° C)

Location 9 temples scattered on the slopes of Mount Unggaran has beautiful natural scenery. In addition, tourism is also equipped with a hot water bath of spring water containing sulfur, campsite, and horse riding.

The Amazing Gedong Songo In Central Java
The Amazing Gedong Songo In Central Java
The Amazing Gedong Songo In Central Java
The Amazing Gedong Songo In Central Java
The Amazing Gedong Songo In Central Java
The Amazing Gedong Songo In Central Java
The Amazing Gedong Songo In Central Java
The Amazing Gedong Songo In Central Java
The Amazing Gedong Songo In Central Java
The Amazing Gedong Songo In Central Java

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