The Layout Of Ratu Boko Palace Shows Intelligent Ancient Java Architect

The main gate has three entrances, while the second has five main gate entrance. Everything paduraksa shaped (arch-shaped building has a roof, Red). On the second page of the terrace, roughly 45 meters to the north there is a shelf (base, Red) called Candi Batu Putih. Approximately 37 meters northeast there is a shelf which is the cremation temple.

In the southeast corner of the temple there is a burning one old well where the water containing the mysteries. It is said that the well was named Amrita Mantana which means holy water that has been given a mantra. According to myth, the water can be useful in accordance what is desired and is often used for events such as making ritual procession of holy water for Hindu procession called Tawur Agung.

Furthermore, 10 meters to the east of the temple there is a stone structure pedestals Combustion (foundation stone pillar, Red) totaling 18 pieces lengthwise direction of the West-East and large pond. Approximately 40 meters south of the stone structure of the fruit shelf pedestals are called Paseban.

In the east and south Paseban there is a gate that connects between the cave and the pavilion. Batur pavilion housed a square measuring 20 x 21 meters and up to 1.46 meters composed of andesite rock on the north side of the east and west, there are stairs up which is composed of andesite. On the surface of the pavilion there are a number of pedestals shelf totaling 24 pieces.

The Layout Of Ratu Boko Palace Shows Intelligent Ancient Java Architect

In the South East there Paseban stone structure called the centers and to the south the halls there are three small temples of stone which consists of andesite stone floor. To the east of the halls in the lower location there are several pools. In the southern part of the pools are round, while in the north a long rectangular pond. To go into each pool must pass through the hallway and some gate found in each pond.

Based on the inscription issued by the Rakai Panangkaran year 746 -784 AD, the region is called Abhayagiri Ratu Boko Temple. Abhaya means no hazards and giri means hill or mountain. Temple means dormitory or place. Thus Abhayagiri Vihara means dormitory or a Buddhist monk who is located on a hill full of peace.

In the next period Abhayagiri Vihara renamed Walaing palace proclaimed by Rakai Walaing vassal named Pu Kumbayoni. In 1790 a researcher from the Netherlands named Van Boeckholtz find any archeological ruins on a hill, Ratu Boko. One hundred years later, FDK Bosch pour conduct research and research findings into a book titled Ratoe Van Kraton Boko. So there is archaeological on the hill known as Boko Kraton Ratu Boko.  In principle, Ratu Boko Palace is divided into 4 zones, namely:

 1. West zone
Approximately 2 acres, this area is known by locals as Mount Tlatar – rocks were arranged. The side of the hill is quite steep and it is only used for agriculture. Archaeological discoveries here have attracted, lane sedimentary rocks, small pool and large local and foreign as well as pottery.

The Layout Of Ratu Boko Palace Shows Intelligent Ancient Java Architect
The Layout Of Ratu Boko Palace Shows Intelligent Ancient Java Architect
The Layout Of Ratu Boko Palace Shows Intelligent Ancient Java Architect

2.Center Zone
 Impressive large stone gate, the first one has three entrances, and the second has five, entrance forms is known as Java Paduraksa and traditional in construction. Not far from the gates of the White Stone is limestone temple, his name means ‘white stone’.

There is also a two-tier structure that measures 26 square meters. The center is a deep square hole. It is speculated that this would be a crematorium.

This zone also has a large pool, and a series of stone foundation pillars of the building will be held. Using traditional building techniques of the time, the walls and roof pillars would have been made from organic materials, so that they no longer remains.

The Layout Of Ratu Boko Palace Shows Intelligent Ancient Java Architect
The Layout Of Ratu Boko Palace Shows Intelligent Ancient Java Architect
The Layout Of Ratu Boko Palace Shows Intelligent Ancient Java Architect
The Layout Of Ratu Boko Palace Shows Intelligent Ancient Java Architect

3. East zone
 East Region has more pools, and also a series of caves. The caves were carved into the rock. Lanang cave houses three white stone statue. Stairs to some caves have been carved into the rock of the hill. A Buddha statue is also found in this area.

The Layout Of Ratu Boko Palace Shows Intelligent Ancient Java Architect
The Layout Of Ratu Boko Palace Shows Intelligent Ancient Java Architect
The Layout Of Ratu Boko Palace Shows Intelligent Ancient Java Architect

4. Southeast zone
 There is evidence of a hall or pavilion, surrounded by a stone wall with entrance Paduraksa another way, another position where the pillars will be located clear. A rectangular pond nearby, as well as three small temples. Another series of round and rectangular swimming pool is in this area.

The Layout Of Ratu Boko Palace Shows Intelligent Ancient Java Architect
The Layout Of Ratu Boko Palace Shows Intelligent Ancient Java Architect
The Layout Of Ratu Boko Palace Shows Intelligent Ancient Java Architect

Amazing Location Of The Gedong Songo Temple

Gedong Songo (nine buildings) is the name of the temple which is in the hills of the Unggaran. Gedong Songo located at an altitude of about 1,200 DPL with temperatures around 19-27 ° C. Location Gedong Songo very easy to reach from many cities in the vicinity. Its location is a row of alternative pathways Unggaran – Waterford. If the start of Semarang Adventurer enough south to City Unggaran – Bandungan – gedong Songo. Can be achieved with a journey time of 1 hour. If the can through the city of Yogyakarta Ambarawa (Tugu Palagan Ambarawa) – Bandungan – gedong Songo, journey time approximately 2 hours.

Gedong Songo located on the slopes of Mount Unggaran, the coordinates of 110 ° 20’27 “E and 07 ° 14’3” LS Darum village, Village Temple, District Bandungan, Semarang regency, Central Java. Gedong Songo comes from the Javanese, gedong (house / building) and Songo (nine) which means Nine (Group) Building. Are there since the beginning of this temple of nine groups? Or other means? Hmm, can not yet be answered. But this time there were only 5 of the temple complex.

Gedong Songo many similarities with the temples in Dieng is located in Banjarnegara (next adventure). This temple complex is made from the bottom row to the top of the hills mengintari crater hot springs. Where in the Dieng temple complex also plenty of hot water crater which is not far from the center of the temple. Making a symmetrical temple located on a hill and showed the fusion of two local religious beliefs that embraces the ancestors and Hindu culture where temples as the abode of the gods. The temple is made ​​up buds similar to the stone-age culture punden berundak. Under the principle to the top, then the spirits of ancestors getting close to humans. Well, the two cultures blend together in Gedong Songo by defining as a sacrifice to the spirits of ancestors which the procession was to perform in the temple complex located on the hills.

Amazing Location Of The Gedong Songo Temple
Amazing Location Of The Gedong Songo Temple

Statues At The Prambanan Temple

In addition to having many of the temple and the reliefs that adorn the walls of the Prambanan temple, this temple also save a lot of statues of Hindu temple located in the room. As contained in the Shiva temple which is the highest temple. Shiva temple has four rooms. The main hall filled with statues of Shiva, while the other rooms filled with statues of Durga, Agastya statues and Ganesha Statue. In the south Shiva temple is the Brahma temple which consists of one room only and Brahma statue in it. Vishnu temple also consists of one room with Vishnu statue in it. Here are photos of the statue contained indoors Prambanan:

Statues At The Prambanan Temple
Dewata panels, with two Apsara in Vishnu temple
Statues At The Prambanan Temple
Shiva Statue (Image Source: Wikipedia)
Statues At The Prambanan Temple
Durga Satue And Mahesasuramardini in the north of the temple of Shiva (Image Source: Wikipedia)
Statues At The Prambanan Temple
Brahmana Statue (Image Source: Wikipedia)
Statues At The Prambanan Temple
Ganesha Statue (Image Source Wikipedia)
Statues At The Prambanan Temple
Brahmana Statue (Image Source: Wikipedia)
Statues At The Prambanan Temple
Statues At The Prambanan Temple
Prambanan condition when first discovered

Stucture Part From Prambanan Temple Body

Basic architecture of Prambanan temple construction is Wastu book Literature, which also contains about Hindu architecture. The layout of Prambanan temple follows the pattern of the Mandala with the hallmark of a very dominant Hindu. The original name of Prambanan temple is Siwagrha (Sanskrit), but the temple is more popular with the name Prambanan, because it is located in the village of Prambanan. Inspiration Prambanan Temple is Mount Mahameru that believed to be the abode of the Gods. The entire temple complex follows the model of the universe according to Hindu cosmology concept, which is divided into several layers of the realm, nature or Loka.

As in the Buddhist culture that inspired the construction of the Borobudur Temple, Prambanan Temple construction is also divided into three tiers zones, starting from the less holy to the most suc. Despite the different names, each of these Hindu concept has the Buddhist concept, which in principle is almost the same. Land either horizontally or vertically floor plan is divided into three zones.
Three levels of development zones contained in Prambanan temple is;

 Bhurloka (in Buddhism: Kamadhatu),
  Is part of  foot in the Prambanan temple, in Hindu term in building the temple foot called as Kamadhatu. Bhurloka is the lowest realm of mortal livings, humans, animals, and demons. In this realm of humans is tied with less lust, passion, and a way of life that is not holy.

Stucture Part From Prambanan Temple Body

Bhuwarloka (in Buddhism: Rupadhatu),
It is part of the body at Prambanan temple symbolizes human life in midle nature . In Hindu belief is the nature of this middle class of saints, sages, ascetics, and lesser gods. According to Hindu belief of these people are those who start in this human nature began to see the light of truth.

Stucture Part From Prambanan Temple Body

  Swarloka (in Buddhism: Arupadhatu),
Swarloka is the highest temple (roof) which is a symbol in the Hindu faith. Those who occupy this place is the Gods in their beliefs. The gods are residing in a place called Swargaloka. Prambanan temple roof in the design premises mastaka a waterless models ratna (Sanskrit: gems), which is contained in the form of  Prambanan temple is a modified form of wajra in Buddhist temples or thunderbolt diamond symbolizes. In ancient Javanese Hindu architecture, ratna is Hindu and for Buddhist called stupa, which serves as a waterless or mastaka (head) temple.

Stucture Part From Prambanan Temple Body
Stucture Part From Prambanan Temple Body
Source Image: Wikipedia

A box of rocks or Pripih discovered during restoration, the bodies are found under the statue of Shiva. At the bottom of the main room there is a Shiva temple and a depth of 5.75 meters pripih stone coffin was found on a heap of wood charcoal, soil, and animal bones of victims. Inside this pripih are sacred objects such as sheets of gold inscribed with characters Waruna (god of the sea) and Parwata (mountain god). In this stone casket contained sheets of copper mixed with charcoal, ash, and soil, 20 ancient coins, a few grains of gems, glass, pieces of gold, and silver sheets, shells, and 12 sheets of gold (5 of them in the form of a turtle, snake dragon (cobra), padma, altar and egg).

Location Of Prambanan Temple

Prambanan temple complex is one of the largest in Southeast Asia is rich with statues and reliefs. This temple complex is located in the village of Prambanan and administratively included in the two districts and two provinces at once. Namely Sleman district of Yogyakarta province and Klaten district in Central Java province. The distance is about 20 km from the city of Yogyakarta and 40 km from the city of Surakarta. In addition to being at the border, the temple complex is also reachable from all directions because it is directly on the edge of Highway Yogyakarta – Solo.

Ancient Photograph Of Borobudur Temple

Borobudur temple is indeed one of the building that became the pride of Indonesia, but do you know how the current state of the temple was first discovered? Some experts say that Borobudur was originally surrounded by marsh and sunset as a result of the eruption of Mount Merapi. Borobudur was first noticed on the manuscript Negarakertagama Prapanca MPU works in 1365, mentioned about the monastery in Budur.

In 1814, Thomas Stamford Raffles got news of hill covered with carved stone. Raffles sent Cornelius, an admirer of art and history, to clean up the hill. After dibersihakan for two months with the help of 200 residents, it is increasingly clear the building and re-restored in 1825, which cleared again by Resident Kedu in 1834.

Ancient Photograph Of Borobudur Temple
Ancient Photograph Of Borobudur Temple
Ancient Photograph Of Borobudur Temple
Ancient Photograph Of Borobudur Temple
Ancient Photograph Of Borobudur Temple
Ancient Photograph Of Borobudur Temple
Ancient Photograph Of Borobudur Temple
Ancient Photograph Of Borobudur Temple
Ancient Photograph Of Borobudur Temple
Ancient Photograph Of Borobudur Temple
Ancient Photograph Of Borobudur Temple
Ancient Photograph Of Borobudur Temple
Ancient Photograph Of Borobudur Temple
Ancient Photograph Of Borobudur Temple
Ancient Photograph Of Borobudur Temple
Ancient Photograph Of Borobudur Temple

Location Of Borobudur Temple

Location of The Borobudur temple in the village of Borobudur, District of Borobudur, Magelang regency, Central Java, approximately 41 km from Yogyakarta and approximately at 80 km from the provincial capital of Semarang, Central Java. Near Borobudur temples there are also others that Pawon and Mendut with the distance is not too far

Borobudur temple is also surrounded by stunning natural beauty and add to the beauty of the panorama of the Borobudur temple. In the southern part there Menoreh Mountains, Mount Merapi (2411 m), in the east there Merbabu (at 3142 m). And the north-west there Sumbing (2271 m) and Mount Sindoro (3135 m).

The natural beauty is more perfect with the Progo and the Elo River in the eastern part of the Borobudur Temple.

The location and the position of Borobudur Temple  similar with Angkor Pagoda in Cambodia, where Angkor Pagoda is equally holy place for Buddhists.

Location Of Borobudur Temple
Mount Merapi is located east of Borobudur Temple, Mount Merapi is the most active mountain in the world, volcanic activity on Mount Merapi often occur. Tourists usually enjoy the sunrise appearing from behind Mount Merapi.
Location Of Borobudur Temple
Menoreh mountains are behind the temple of Borobudur
Location Of Borobudur Temple
Sindoro mountain adjacent to MountSumbing
Location Of Borobudur Temple
Merbabu Mount
Location Of Borobudur Temple
Rafting in the river Progo

Prambanan Reliefs And Ramayana Story

Relief Prambanan Hindu telling about the story that is very familiar to the people of Indonesia, which is a story about the Hindu epics Ramayana and Krishnayana. The story neatly carved in relief at the Prambanan Temple inner wall along the hallway gallery balustrade that surrounds the three main temples.

You can read the story completely through Relief from the right to the left with a clockwise motion around the temple. The movement is a movement of the ritual circumambulation, which is a sacred Hindu rituals surrounding the building in a clockwise direction. Ramayana The story begins on the east side of the Shiva temple and continued to Brahma temple. On the balustrade of Vishnu temple there is a relief Krishnayana narrative that tells the life of Krishna as one awataras Vishnu.

Ramayana reliefs depicting how Shinta, wife of Rama, was abducted by Ravana. Commander Wanara nation (monkey), Hanuman, come to Lanka to seek help Rama Shinta. This story is also featured in the Ramayana, the Javanese wayang performances are staged regularly at Trimurti open stage every night of the full moon. Trine stage background is a magnificent view of the three main temples are illuminated by light bulbs.

Prambanan Reliefs And Ramayana Story Content
Typical panels Prambanan, a lion in the niches, flanked by two trees kalpataru each flanked by a pair sapasang kinnarakinnari or wildlife.(Image Source Wikipedia)
Prambanan Reliefs And Ramayana Story Content
Prambanan Reliefs And Ramayana Story Content
Prambanan Reliefs And Ramayana Story Content
Prambanan Reliefs And Ramayana Story Content
Prambanan Reliefs And Ramayana Story Content
Relief at the Prambanan show that Ravana kidnapped Shinta was riding a winged giant, while the  Jatayu bird in the top left trying to help Shinta. (Image Source Wikipedia)
Prambanan Reliefs And Ramayana Story Content
Prambanan Reliefs And Ramayana Story Content
Prambanan Reliefs And Ramayana Story Content

Layout Of Prambanan Temple

Prambanan temple is one of the true greatness of the past history of Indonesia, Prambanan temple is also one of the historical relics which have very high aesthetic value. The architecture and motifs on the temple of Prambanan, showed that Indonesia had known at the time of design technology which is amazing. Proven with stone structure without using cement or media liaison between the building elements are very sturdy.

Prambanan temple is a relic of the Sanjaya dynasty kings around the ninth century. Prambanan temple was built by Rakai Rakai Pikatan and resolved by Balitung. It is based on the “Inscription Siwargrarha” inscribed in 856 AD

Prambanan temple consists of three main temple is located in the main yard, namely Vishnu (protector), Brahma (creator), and Shiva (counterweight). In Hindu belief temples became a symbol of Trimurti. The position of the main temple facing east, and each of the main temple has accompanying temple facing to the west and is estimated as a vehicle for each of the gods. Lord Shiva with Lembu Nandi, Lord Brahma with Hamsa Angsa, and Lord Vishnu with Garuda. In Prambanan temple also contained two wedge, four Kelir temples, and the four corners of the temple.

Layout Of Prambanan Temple

 Prambanan temple complex consists of 240 temples with a variety of different structure forms. 240 Temple is collected in one location. Entrance of the temple complex of Prambanan contained in the four corners of the wind direction, but the actual building is to the east, the main entrance of this temple is the east gate. Prambanan temple complex consists of:

     3 temple Trimurti: Shiva temple, Vishnu, and Brahma
     3 Temple Vehicle: Nandi temple, Garuda, and Geese
     2 Apit Temple: located between rows of Trimurti temples and temples rides in the north and south
     4 Temple color: located at the 4 corners of the wind right behind the entrance to the inner courtyard or the core zone
     4 Temple Stakes: located at the 4 corners of the pages or the core zone
   Totaled 224 Perwara: arranged in 4 rows of concentric with the number of rows of the inner temple to the outside: 44, 52, 60, and 68. So there are a total of 240 temples in Prambanan complex.

Layout Of Prambanan Temple
Layout Of Prambanan Temple
Layout Of Prambanan Temple, Image Source Wikipedia

 Shiva Temple
Shiva Temple pick four rooms, a main room contains a statue of Shiva, while the other three rooms contain the statues of Durga (Shiva’s wife) is often referred to as Jonggrang, Agastya (Shiva’s teacher), and Ganesha (Shiva’s son).

 Shiva temple is the main temple is also the largest and centipede in Rara Jonggrang temple complex, this temple measuring 47 meters high and 34 meters wide. Mastaka peak or top of the temple was constructed modified form of a crown that symbolizes wajra diamond or thunder.

Wajra is a Hindu version supporting the stupa found at the top of a Buddhist temple. At the Shiva temple walls decorated with reliefs that tell the story of the Ramayana; engraved on the inside wall on the balustrade. On top of this balustrade fenced range that also shaped wajra waterless. To follow the story in this order, you must enter from the east side, then do pradakshina which revolves around the temple according clockwise. The story of Ramayana continued to Brahma temple.

Layout Of Prambanan Temple
Vishnu Temple (Image source Wikipedia)
Layout Of Prambanan Temple

Layout Of Prambanan Temple

Brahmana Temple And Vishnu Temple
 Two other temples dedicated to Lord Vishnu, which is located on the north side and the other dedicated to Brahma, which is located on the south side. Both this temple faces east and there is only one room, which is dedicated to these gods. Brahma temple statues of Vishnu temple of Brahma and Vishnu statues of measuring almost 3 meters high. The size of the temple of Brahma and Vishnu are the same, ie, 20 meters wide and 33 meters high. In the Brahma temple clockwise there is a relief depicting the story of Ramayana. There is also relief of Kalpataru tree of life or flanked by stone lions.

Layout Of Prambanan Temple
Layout Of Prambanan Temple
Layout Of Prambanan Temple

Wahana Temple

At the front of the Trimurti temple, there are three smaller temples of Brahma and Vishnu temples than that presented to a vehicle or vehicle each god this; the bull Nandi is the vehicle of Shiva, Angsaa is a vehicle for Brahma, and Garuda is the vehicle for Vishnu.

Layout Of Prambanan Temple
Wahana (Vehicle) Temple, Image Source Wikipedia

Apit temple, Kelir temple, and Patok Temple.
In addition there are 6 main temples at Prambanan temple, in this complex there are also dozens of supporters of the temple, they are Apit temple, temple color, and Temple Stakes. Temple Size Apit almost equal to the size of the ancillary temples, namely 14 meters high with a footprint sketch 6 x 6 meters.

In addition to the eight main temple is a small temple there is a small temple that may resemble pelinggihan function in Balinese Hindu temple cymbals or a place to put offerings, as well as the facade at the front entrance. This small temples namely; 4 Temple of color on the four corners of the wind in front of the entrance, and 4 Candi peg in each corner. Temple Temple Stakes color and shape of a miniature temple without a ladder with a height of about 2 meters.

Layout Of Prambanan Temple
Kelir Temple

Perwara Temples
Two walls with a square layout that houses two pages in, arranged according to the orientation of the four cardinal directions. The second wall measuring 225 feet long on each side. In between these two walls is the second page or second zone. The second zone consists of 224 ancillary temples are arranged in four concentric rows.

The temples were built on the four steps of the terraces are increasingly central to slightly higher. Four lines of these temples are smaller than the main temple. These temples are called “ancillary temples” the temple guardian or complementary temples. Ancillary temples arranged in four concentric rows deepest line consists of 44 temples, 52 temples second row, third row 60 temples, and the fourth row at the same time the outer row consists of 68 temples

The Amazing Prambanan Temple In Central Java

Prambanan Temple is a Hindu temple of the most beautiful buildings in the world. Prambanan temple is also one of the UNESCO World Heritage Site which has been named as the most beautiful temple architecture. This temple is also known as Rara Jonggrang Temple slender shaped with a height of 47 meters, is an attraction for tourists from all over the world who want to see how magnificent and beautiful Prambanan temple. Location of  Prambanan at Prambanan village, 20km east of Yogyakarta, precisely on the border between Yogyakarta and Central Java.

 Prambanan temple has become a favorite attraction for local tourists in the country and abroad. Its charm is the main attraction, especially the panoramic beauty of the temple in the afternoon. Yes, view of the afternoon to see the sunset at Prambanan temple will bring admiration – though indeed at any time Prambanan temple has existed since the 9th century AD has always attracted interest for anyone to visit.

When in Prambanan temple in the afternoon, do not rush to leave. The beauty of Prambanan temple in the afternoon will offer a view of the sunset (sunset) in the main temple. Amazing! You will feel the peace of Prambanan when staring at the sunset here. And sacred silence that comes out will keep you enthralled and amazed. Do not forget to capture the moment!

The Amazing Prambanan Temple In Central Java
Prambanan temple still standing despite the time change, though exposed to the sun and rain washed
The Amazing Prambanan Temple In Central Java
The Amazing Prambanan Temple In Central Java
The Amazing Prambanan Temple In Central Java
The Amazing Prambanan Temple In Central Java
The Amazing Prambanan Temple In Central Java
The Amazing Prambanan Temple In Central Java
The Amazing Prambanan Temple In Central Java
The Amazing Prambanan Temple In Central Java
The Amazing Prambanan Temple In Central Java