The Amazing Morning At Borobudur

Do You want travel to Borobudur temple in Central Java?, why not this time chasing the rising sun his beauty. Enjoy the sun peeking shyly shining from behind Mount Merapi which is still shrouded in morning fog. The morning fresh scent is perfect in her shades miracle Indonesian historical heritage Takan be a memorable experience. May to July is the perfect time to enjoy this moment considering the weather was sunny.

Views of the sun rising in the sky slowly from behind Merapi in the morning, natural fluorescent orange color bluish purple color. The colors look beautiful on the temple stones were blackish gray color. The redness is present in the eastern horizon greeted Buddhist stupas and monumental sculpture. The rocks show a reddish glow join peaceful face of the Buddha. Do not miss the opportunity to perpetuate this beautiful picture comes foreground Borobudur stupa.

 Silhouette of Borobudur morning, with the background of Mount Merapi and Merbabu. The scenery is so amazing, by Robert B. Herdiyanto
 Borobudur is best seen at dawn. when the air is still fresh and full of birdsong. When the fog lifted, the highlight of the morning sun shining on the surrounding volcanoes, terraced rice fields, and highlights the many stone reliefs and in the face of Buddha. See Borobudur at dawn today for the first time is often an emotional experience that is deeply felt. by Andras Jancsik
 Various questions arise such as who the architect was, how our ancestors used to build this grand temple? And with what equipment they make, to the extent that it can be neatly arranged stones, do not miss the carving can be created with the details.
One of the best locations in the country to enjoy the atmosphere of this sunrise is at Borobudur. Located at an altitude of about 269 m above sea level, Borobudur gives a spectacular view of the sunrise time, ie, seeing the sun rising from behind a magnificent dusk of the Merapi. by Thrillseekr

 Morning sun shining on the wall reliefs of Borobudur by Trey Ratcliff
Small stupas surrounding the main temple stands firmly greatest beautify the temple of Borobudur

Borobudur Temple Reliefs

Borobudur Temple is a great masterpiece! This is the largest Buddhist monument in the world that has been recognized by UNESCO. He is a puzzle or Lego of approximately 2 million blocks of volcanic stone giant carved in such a way so as to interlock (interlock) even without using any cement or adhesive.

But as we know, Borobudur was built approximately 75 years take this puzzle is not just a pile of giant rocks, although the technique arrange these stones also are a wonderful thing. Borobudur enchanting beauty also save valuable artwork-laden history, culture, and religion. Tenth courts of Borobudur is believed to be the representation of the Mahayana school of philosophy, which is described ten levels of Bodhisattva who must pass to reach the perfection of the Buddha. Everything is depicted in the reliefs that adorn the walls. Here is a small fraction of the thousands of carved reliefs of Borobudur Temple.

Borobudur Temple Reliefs

Borobudur Temple Reliefs

Borobudur Temple Reliefs

Borobudur Temple Reliefs

Borobudur Temple Reliefs

Borobudur Temple Reliefs

Borobudur Temple Reliefs

Borobudur Temple Reliefs

Borobudur Temple Reliefs

Borobudur Temple Reliefs

Borobudur Temple Reliefs

Borobudur Temple Reliefs

Borobudur Temple Reliefs

Borobudur Temple Reliefs

Borobudur Temple Reliefs

Borobudur Temple Reliefs

Borobudur Temple Reliefs

Borobudur Temple Reliefs

Borobudur Temple Reliefs

Borobudur Temple Reliefs

Borobudur Temple Reliefs

Borobudur Temple Reliefs

Borobudur Temple Reliefs

Relief Groove Stories From The Borobudur Temple

All relief panels in Borobudur Mahayana Buddhism reflects, in which the top to symbolize the level of perfection. Bottom or Kamadhatu describe the behavior of a full rage and lust that causes a person to go to hell beasts. The middle section includes four levels called Rapadhatu, a man freed from lust and worldly things. While the top part includes three circular terraces that lead to the center of the dome is called Arupadhatu or dwelling place of the gods (nirvana).

Reporting from Indonesiatravel, there are reliefs Karmawibhangga actually buried in the ground and describe the actions of people who follow their lusts, such as gossiping, murder, torture, and rape. In fact, there are also scenes of sex in various positions. The opinions stated that the relief stockpiled because it is considered not appropriate on display, but some are of the opinion this closure solely for the sake of the stability of the position of the temple in order not to vanish.

In 1885, archaeologists JW Yzerman was to document and record these reliefs, then recorded on the original 1931 book is now in the National Museum, Jakarta. Whereas the original cliché stored in the Museum Amsterdam, Amsterdam given the status belonging to the Dutch Government, while the Government of Indonesia has a replica of the entire photo.

Around 1890-1891, part of which was covered entirely by the photographer opened Kasiyan Chepas to be photographed one by one. Volume of 13,000 cubic meters of rock was removed, then returned to its original position. To this day, the backfilled soil so it can not be seen. There are three panels in the southeastern part of the temple is open and closing again allegedly because the process is not perfect.

When you’ve reached the top of the temple, then rest and enjoy the beautiful scenery around it. At the top of Borobudur, you will find an empty space which is a symbol of perfection. As long as you are at the top, enjoy the mountain scenery and lush green surrounding, and feel the gentle breeze. You are free to take as many beautiful photographs desired object.

Local communities trust to mention that if you have been in the top of the temple and have a real desire, then your hands reach out and touch the figure of the Buddha in it, then your request will be realized. You may note some interesting stories of the carving of this temple relief, because there are many interesting stories in it. Make sure your tour guide tells a series of stories that contained in the stone carvings. If you are a writer or a poet, there may be a story that can inspire.

Another interesting thing of Borobudur is Manoreh Hill in the south. If you look closely, it appears contour hills shaped like a sleeping person as Borobudur was standing upright next to “the sleeping”.

Borobudur has 100 gutter-shaped makara (a statue of the elephant-headed fish) as well as water lines to add to the beauty of the temple. In the past, the rain water flowing through the makara will look like a fountain. Museum of Ocean Mercury will tell you about the history of trade between Indonesia and Africa in ancient times and how modern attempts to re-create the journey of this. In the Museum Karmawibhangga available resources complete this magnificent place.

 Borobudur was similar to the Buddhist scriptures carved in the rock by the quality and quantity of bas-reliefs and the kind of story that qualified and equipped with statues and stupas are no less awesome. Borobudur has approximately 2672 relief panels that supposedly when stretched to reach a length of 6 kilometers. UNESCO recognized it as the ensemble even the largest and most comprehensive Buddhist reliefs in the world. Every scene and the story is a masterpiece of art sculpted intact and unusually high value.

Relief Groove Stories From The Borobudur Temple
Source image: Wikimedia

There is a different technique for reading the reliefs on the walls of the temple, which is read according to the clockwise direction. This is known as mapradaksina (Javanese language) which is derived from Sanskrit meaning Daksina east. Beginning of the story starts and ends on the East side of the gate in each level. Borobudur has a ladder up in the four corners of the wind but it is estimated to go up the main staircase is in the east.

Relief in Borobudur Borobudur carved on several levels. The reliefs depict scenes taken from some of the silk, the story Karmawibhanga, Jatakamala, Awadana, Gandawyuha and Bhadracari.

Karmawibhangga is a relief depicting a story that has a correlation of cause and effect (karma). Kamadhatu zone, some Karmawibhangga reliefs depicting human passions, such as robbery, murder, torture, and humiliation. Not only depict evil deeds, Karmawibhanga Relief carved above 160 panels also illustrate causal doctrine of good works.

Each panel is not a narrative story (series) and contains certain stories of which describe the behavior of the Javanese society, including religious behavior, livelihood, social structure, fashion, equipment life, the types of flora and fauna, and forth. Overall it describes the human life cycle, namely: birth – life – death (samsara).

Relief Groove Stories From The Borobudur Temple
Karmawibhanga Relief (Image Source: wikimedia)

Kamadhatu is a picture of a world inhabited by most people, or the world is still dominated by kama or “low desire”. Therefore this zone are at the lowest level of Borobudur and is now covered by a supporting foundation of the building so it is not visible (except on the South side open slightly). There are allegations that the closing of this zone due to strengthen the foundation of the building or structure. However, another conjecture states that it is to cover the obscene content of the relief. To see the relief in this zone, you can visit the Museum Karmawibhangga displaying photographs in Kamadhatu deliberately taken in order to still be able to be enjoyed by visitors.

Lalitawistara are reliefs depicting the Buddha’s history starts from the Buddha’s descent from heaven Tusita to the teachings of the first story he did in the Deer Park which is located near the city of Banaras. Relief Lalitawistara totaling 120 panels but not completely describe the story of the Buddha.

Lalitawistara is a series of beautifully carved reliefs story on temple walls in the hallway 1 level 2 Broadly speaking, Lalitawistara describes the life of Gautama Buddha at birth to get out of the palace and got enlightenment under the bodhi tree.

Relief Groove Stories From The Borobudur Temple
Lalitawistara Relief (Image Source: Wikimedia)

Jataka and Awadana are reliefs of the Buddha before it was born as Prince Siddhartha. Carved on the second level of the temple (hall 1), relief is about kindness and self-sacrifice of the Buddha that he did in various forms of reincarnation, either as a human or animal. Good deeds is what distinguishes it from other creatures. Moreover, doing good is in the preparation stages of the business towards a higher level of Buddha.

Awadana is also contains figures Jataka story but not the Buddha but Sudhanakumara prince. The story on the relief Awadana Diwyawadana collected in the Book (the noble deed of divinity) and the Book Awadanasataka (hundred stories Awadana).

Relief Groove Stories From The Borobudur Temple
Awadana Diwyawadana Relief

Gandawyuha is a row of neatly carved reliefs on the walls of Borobudur number 460 carved panels on the walls and balustrades. Bas-reliefs of the temple is spread over different levels depending.

Revolves around Sudhana, the son of a rich merchant who traveled in his quest for supreme knowledge or the real truth. Depiction on the panel-panels based on Mahayana Buddhist scripture entitled Gandawyuha. Meanwhile, for the lid, the story of the reliefs on the story of another, Bhadracari. This story is about the vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Sudhana to make her life as a role model.

If you notice from the fifth to the seventh floor not appear reliefs on the walls. Level represents the nature of the so-called Arupadhatu (which means no tangible form or not). At this level, people are free from all desires and bond forms and shapes but have not reached nirvana. In Arupadhatu visible is stupas overlay in which there is a statue of Buddha.

At the highest level of Borobudur temple which has a total of 10 levels or is there a court of the greatest and highest stupa. In the largest stupa is a Buddha statue ever found imperfect or also called Unfinished Buddha that is now stored in the Museum Karmawibhangga.

Square Lay out with an overall size of 123 x 123 meters, Borobudur has no worship spaces like other temples. Borobudur has long hallways in the form of a narrow road, estimated as a place for Buddhist ceremonies walk around the temple to the right. Borobudur has six courts of a square, three round circular courtyard and a main stupa of the top court is located. The structure is basically a punden staircase, which is a form of original architecture from prehistoric Indonesia. Because of the uniqueness, beauty, historical value, and quality of high-value artworks are manifested in Borobudur, a Buddhist temple it is certainly worthy of the title as one of the masterpieces of the art of the high level of civilization archipelago.

Borobudur Temple Constructions

Borobudur temple is the intelligent work of architect of his era , andesite stones made ​​with models like Lego that can be associated and interlock with each other. The stones on the chisel with a bulge in certain parts then another stone made ​​with holes. Bulge created by the size of the hole made ​​in accordance with the other stones protruding rock then inserted into the hole that has been provided in the material temple makers other woods, so interlocked, so on to form the structure of the temple as we see today.

It is estimated that approximately 55,000 cubic meters need to make the structure of the Borobudur temple. The stones were taken from around the Borobudur temple, then cut and carved into various components of temples, statues, stupas, floors, and reliefs. The stones are not glued together using cement at all but glued to the interlock system as described above.

Borobudur Temple Constructions

Borobudur building structure is not made ​​with rock as a whole as seen from the outside. In the temple of Borobudur is a small hill covered with stones of the temple structure, the construction technique just as in the temples in Java in general. Borobudur is made to resemble a pyramid staircase and without meditation space, but made ​​with an estimated hallways used for Buddhist ritual.

Borobudur Temple Constructions

Borobudur Temple building consists of three parts, namely:
Foot Part, This is a basic part of the Borobudur temple with a height of 4 meters (13 feet) with an area of ​​123X123 meters (403.5 x 403.5 ft)

Body parts, Body Borobudur temple consists of five steps of a square that has narrowed at the top. The width of the first steps is 7 meters (23 ft) and 4 other steps have a width of 2 meters (6.6 ft)

Head Part, this section consists of three circular terraces, each level there is a row of stupas arranged concentrically. The main stupa is the largest in the middle of the shoot height of 35 m (110 ft) from the ground. The total height of the temple of Borobudur including chattra (umbrella stacking three) are now released is 42 m (140 ft).

Borobudur Temple Constructions
Interlock is the method used in making the temple of Borobudur temple to assemble components. This method is widely used in making the construction of temples in Java. Pictured above is a way of making the locking system using a stone
Borobudur Temple Constructions
The picture above is the other method, to make the stone temples sticking components, namely the method of protrusions and holes made on stone, so as to prevent stone shifted from the construction of the temple
Borobudur Temple Constructions
The stone structure on the Borobudur temple
Borobudur Temple Constructions

Borobudur Temple Constructions

Borobudur Temple Constructions

The Amazing Borobudur, Indonesian Past Cultural Greatness

This is one of the rich history of Indonesia, Borobudur Temple. Visited by thousands of local and domestic travelers every day. Borobudur Temple was built in 750 AD by the Mahayana Buddhists during the reign of the Sailendra dynasty. Borobudur temple is located in the village of Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia 40 kilo meters north-west of Yogyakarta. Borobudur temple is also the largest Buddhist temple in Indonesia is also the World.

Borobudur Temple Complex

This spectacular building has a terrace with a six square shape and has 2,672 relief panels and 504 Buddha statues. The main stupa as a crown in the middle and big size and is surrounded by 72 perforated stupas, in which there is a statue of Buddha sitting cross-legged in the lotus position perfectly with the mudra (hand position) Dharmachakra mudra (turning the wheel of dharma).


  • Hindu Religion as early as 0-100 AD, Budiism introduced 700 AD.
  •  750-850 AD Sailendra Dynasti in Central Java “The Golden Age”
  • 760 AD Numerous Hindu temples built in the Dieng Plateau of Central Java
  • 790 AD Ratu Boko Palace construction
  • 790-860 AD Borobudur Temple constucted in the Kedu Basin, in straight line with Pawon and Mendut Temples
  • 850 AD Prambanan’s main complex of temples, Loro Jonggrang constructed.
  • 920 Power shifts from Central Jawa to East Jawa
  • 1200 AD Islam begins to sweeb Indonesia, and is the dominant religions by 1600AD
  • 1733 AD Dutchman C.A. Lons re-discovers Prambanan site and reforts of ruins and great part buried underground.
  • 1814 AD Sir Thomas Ramford Raffles re-discovers and commisions first clean up.
  • 1885 AD1st effoets commonce to restore the Prambanan temple complex.
  • 1907-1911 AD Significant restorations of Borobudur take plaace under Theodor Van Erp
  • 1938 AD Restorations to Ratu Boko commence
  • 1968 AD UNESCO votes to rise funds and safeguard Borobudur
  • 1971 AD – Present Second major restoration of Borobudur
  • 1991 AD Borobudur and Prambanan inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
  • 2006 AD Large eartquqke in Central Java damages many temples in the region, including Prampanan temples.
  • November 4, 2010 Thursday November 4, 2010 at around 23:30 pm. Borobudur exposed to a mixture of black and white looks black sand and volcanic ash from the eruption of Mount Merapi devastating. Thickness of volcanic ash that covered the Borobudur stones about 2-3 centimeters.

Building Informations
Location: District of Borobudur, about 3 km from the city Mungkid (capital of Magelang regency, Central Java).
Country: Indonesia
Coordinates: 7 ° 36’29 “S 110 ° 12’14” BTKoordinat: 7 ° 36’29 “S 110 ° 12’14” E
Architect: Gunadharma
Client: Syailendra
Early construction: around 770 AD
Completion: around 825 AD
Structural System: terraced pyramid of the composition of andesite blocks that interlock
Type: stupa and temple
Large size: 123 × 123 meter basis, is now 35 meters high, the original height of 42 meters (including chattra)


The main stupa at the center surrounded by smaller stupas
Small stupas surrounding the main stupa there is a statue in it, sitting in a room meditating on a rock hollow, there are 72 small stupas are arranged in three steps
Statues of buddha sitting cross-legged in the lotus position perfect with mudra (hand position) Dharmachakra mudra (turning the wheel of dharma).
Relief Borobudur also apply Indian art disciplines, such as the attitudes of the body that has a particular meaning or aesthetic value. Reliefs noble human form like a hermit, kings and nobles woman, deity or who achieve degrees of sanctity like a god, like tara and Boddhisatwa
Approximately 55,000 cubic meters of andesite stone quarries and transported from place Penatahan to build this monument. This stone is cut in a certain size, transported to the site and put together without using any cement.
Corridor hallway gallery wall with carved reliefs